Mike, I just wanted to let you know that my new Conti guitar arrived safe and sound. I’ve already had it out and and begun playing it. It sounds great…lush, toneful, and resonant. And the action is smooth and fast. Thank you for postponing its delivery until I was back in town and for your care in ensuring that it arrived safely. And thank you for the complimentary Smoking Lineman and Jazz Lines DVDs as well as the Intellitouch Tuner. I am bowled over by your generosity. Please tell Mr. Conti that I love the new guitar and can’t put it down. I hope some day to have the good fortune to meet him and you.
Jim – Missouri
Mike, I just wanted to let you know that my new Conti guitar arrived safe and sound. I’ve already had it out and and begun playing it. It sounds great…lush, toneful, and resonant. And the action is smooth and fast. Thank you for postponing its delivery until I was back in town and for your care in ensuring that it arrived safely. And thank you for the complimentary Smoking Lineman and Jazz Lines DVDs as well as the Intellitouch Tuner. I am bowled over by your generosity. Please tell Mr. Conti that I love the new guitar and can’t put it down. I hope some day to have the good fortune to meet him and you.
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Joe Ialacci – Hamilton, NJ
I love playing guitar. I am not a professional musician by any stretch, not even of my own imagination. I
Amy Ferman – Cambridge, MN
“Just thought I would let you know that I love my new guitar!! I will send you a photo and
Mike Keeling, Auckland, New Zealand
Here’s a photo of me with cheesy grin occasioned by my new Conti Guitar which arrived safe and sound, only