Here’s a photo of me with cheesy grin occasioned by my new Conti Guitar which arrived safe and sound, only 4 days Las Vegas to New Zealand! Beautifully packed—might spend some time reading the Las Vegas newspapers! First impressions are of a beautifully finished instrument, the fret polishing is impeccable. It even has that new guitar smell! Going out to the local guitar shop to buy a new strap, won’t insult it with a tatty old one. Buying a guitar sight unseen is always a time of mild stress, will it be what they claim? Will the neck be a small tree trunk, etc.? I read all the patrons’ comments and went ahead. Guess what? They were all right on the nail! It’s a pleasure to play and is beautifully styled. I will never achieve Roberts level of playing but I’m going to have huge fun trying! I always wanted a Gibson Byrdland but even the Epiphone version was twice the price of the Conti in New Zealand. How great to have a thin bodied archtop at such a reasonable price. Thanks to you all for a very efficient deal and thanks to Robert for coming up with such a fine instrument at such a price. Keep up the good work!
Mike Keeling, Auckland, New Zealand
Here’s a photo of me with cheesy grin occasioned by my new Conti Guitar which arrived safe and sound, only 4 days Las Vegas to New Zealand! Beautifully packed—might spend some time reading the Las Vegas newspapers! First impressions are of a beautifully finished instrument, the fret polishing is impeccable. It even has that new guitar smell! Going out to the local guitar shop to buy a new strap, won’t insult it with a tatty old one. Buying a guitar sight unseen is always a time of mild stress, will it be what they claim? Will the neck be a small tree trunk, etc.? I read all the patrons’ comments and went ahead. Guess what? They were all right on the nail! It’s a pleasure to play and is beautifully styled. I will never achieve Roberts level of playing but I’m going to have huge fun trying! I always wanted a Gibson Byrdland but even the Epiphone version was twice the price of the Conti in New Zealand. How great to have a thin bodied archtop at such a reasonable price. Thanks to you all for a very efficient deal and thanks to Robert for coming up with such a fine instrument at such a price. Keep up the good work!
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Feel like I am their most important client!
What a great guitar! I have bought a lot of guitars, and I have to say I have never encountered
It’s very pleasant to play!
“Hello Mr. Conti and a big thank you for this video presentation, it’s very nice of you. I get the
John Monllos – Newport, Rhode Island
I played the Conti Guitar for the first time on a live gig this past Saturday and the audience noticed